Candidate Sourcing & Pre-Qualification Services
When you need exceptional Individual Contributor sourcing and screening, at velocity.
We speak with every candidate we present
Minimum of 12 actionable candidates per 60 contacts
30-45 days to completion
With Greywolf’s candidate research, initial recruiting contact, and pre-screening services, all you’ve got to be able to do is CLOSE!
Employers have never had greater knowledge as to who and where candidates are…
…but it’s also never been harder to speak with candidates who aren’t actively looking to make a change. Passive candidates, especially individual contributors, remain the most desired, and most difficult to reach.
Personal contact, made by someone willing and able to present your company and opportunity in a strong, positive light, remains the best way to motivate passive and active candidates to consider joining your team.
Nothing replaces a direct, person-to-person connection, especially when the person representing your opportunity comes into the conversation armed with insight as to your company, its solutions and technology, and its culture.

Exceptional candidate research & identification

Direct telephone contact by experienced search professionals

Client specific qualification criteria Success by Design
Success By Design
The Mathematics of Profiling
Over the course of the 25 years Greywolf has been recruiting contributor level talent, we’ve determined that 60 highly targeted contributor level candidate recruiting contacts will generally produce anywhere from 1-3 hires, depending on the nature of the position and the ability of our clients to execute on the back end of the recruiting process; their ability to close.
By loading our call lists with prospective candidates who, by definition, are qualified to do the job, Greywolf is able to guarantee that, on a 60 contact project, clients will be introduced to a minimum of 12 actionable candidates (20% of profiled candidates) working in targeted positions at targeted source companies who have, at a minimum, expressed an interest in learning more about the opportunity.
While the bottom line return on a 60 contact project is determined by our clients’ ability to close, Greywolf guarantees at least 12 opportunities to convert targeted candidates to high impact hires.
Call Lists Built By Industry Experts... Yours or Ours
Greywolf builds the call lists for recruiting engagements based on detailed client guidance as to the specific functional requirements for the position to be filled, and the source companies most likely to produce desirable candidates.
As a result, the prospective candidates we pursue are guaranteed to be working in targeted positions, at targeted source companies.
In some cases, our clients already know who they want to recruit; already have a deep candidate data base, and simply want to accelerate the candidate contact and pre-screening process. When that’s the case, Greywolf’s clients define our candidate targets. Either way, Greywolf’s recruiting efforts are focused on our clients’ most desired pool of candidates; those most likely to meet or exceed their requirements.
Recruiting Calls Executed By Experienced Search Recruiters
The quality of the people making your recruiting calls is critically important. Greywolf’s recruiting team is made up of experienced search recruiters working in professional environments.
Before we ever make a recruiting call for a client, our recruiting team receives detailed selling information about our client companies, their solutions and technology, and culture. We position our recruiting messaging to match that of our clients, so candidates receive accurate, consistent information throughout the recruiting process.
By understanding the factors differentiating the opportunity to work for our clients, Greywolf recruiters have an enhanced ability to sell; to motivate interest by candidates not necessarily looking to make a career change.
Understanding WHY Candidates Are or Aren't Open to Your Opportunity
So what about the candidates who aren’t open to exploring opportunities with our clients?
At Greywolf, we believe the reasons driving candidate decisions are at least as important as the decisions themselves.
As a result, in addition to receiving either a resume or profile for all candidates contacted, Greywolf clients also receive information as to why candidates were, or weren’t, open to taking their recruiting call.
In cases when timing is an issue driving a candidate’s lack of interest, Greywolf recruiters provide clients with an understanding as to when the time will be right to come back to the candidate. By tracking this information, clients can re-engage with candidates when the time is right, improving the yield of the original sourcing and pre-qualification effort.
In other cases, where candidates aren’t open to engaging with a client because of something negative they’ve heard about the company, its technology or market opportunity, or culture, Greywolf clients have the opportunity to provide additional information that can change candidate or labor market perceptions for the better.