Recruitment Transaction Training
Greywolf delivers the tools, knowledge, and hands-on experience your hiring team needs to extend their success in every transaction in the recruitment process.
Because the best recruiting systems investment you can make is in the knowledge and skills of their end users...your hiring managers and their HR partners.
Recruitment Transaction Training
- Delivers innovative recruiting processes and transactions optimized for your enterprise.
- Enables hiring managers to become powerful recruiting assets.
- Eliminates costs of process quality resulting from transactional failures.
- Improves the quantity and quality of active and recruited candidates.
- Improves interviewing efficiency and quality.
- Improves insight to candidate decision drivers and barriers to closure.
And if you want to become a leader in the recruiting arena, you must learn how to sell!
Recruiting is a sales process, and it may be the toughest sales process to master...because it has changing human components on both sides of the transaction.
ATS systems and business networking sites won’t get you where Sales-based recruitment will take you. Neither will RPO solutions, or the latest candidate evaluation tools.
Greywolf’s Recruitment Transaction Training course delivers Sales-based solutions for every transactional challenge in the recruitment process, improving their outcomes across the board.
Because when it comes to recruiting, employers aren't the only ones making buying decisions
Greywolf’s Training Content…Starting where Interview Training Stops...
Because your hiring managers and their HR partners have to be more than interviewers.
The evaluation of candidates is a critical step in the recruitment process, but it’s only 1 of 6 steps in a complex sales process that, while typically managed by Human Resources, only produces optimal results with the active participation of hiring managers.
While executing the six distinct steps in the recruitment process, a recruiting team can have as many as 16 transactional touch points with candidates.
Each one of these touch points can become sources of costs of process quality, if the transaction supporting the touches are either badly designed or poorly executed.
If you’re only providing your hiring managers and their Human Resources partners with training in candidate evaluation and selection, you’re missing the opportunity to create fully empowered recruiting partnerships; teams with the ability to assist or lead efforts to source, attract, qualify, close, and retain mission critical talent through the application of Sales-based recruitment tools, methods, and practices.
Best-in-class recruiting performance can only result from optimized performance in all recruiting transactions.
Transactional Touch Points

- Definition of requirements and cost justification for position
- Definition of selling/motivational factor for position
- Creation of content and funding support for candidate sourcing
- Referral solicitation
- Pre-interview skills/ability sourcing
- Pre-interview screening for personal barriers to closure
- Interview team selection and management
- Interview hosting
- Gathering and interpretation of interview feedback
- Reference Checks
- Post-interview screening for barriers to closure
- Management of post-interview candidate meetings
- Company and candidate offer guidance
- Company and candidate pre-start preparation
- Candidate on-boarding
- Post-employment follow-up for retention
There are two polar approaches to the challenge of acquiring mission critical talent; one is Procurement-based, and the other is Sales-based.
Since the crash of the jobs market in 2001, most recruiting enterprises have migrated to the use of Procurement-based recruitment models, where the focus of the enterprise is on the evaluation and selection of candidates.
This model is both cost-effective and functionally productive when mission critical talent is available and abundant; when candidates are ready and willing to pursue you.
Sales-based recruitment places the same weight on the evaluation and selection of candidates as the Procurement-based model, but also focuses on the use of Sales techniques in the execution of all recruiting process steps. This model yields highest value when mission critical talent is not abundant, due to either a lack of candidates, or a high level of competition for their services.
Creating compelling job postings and building referral solicitation networks; devising closing strategies based on individual candidate motivators; using on-boarding methods strengthening the new hire’s relationship with the hiring manager and team. These are all activities enabled by the use of Sales-based recruitment methods and techniques.
If your recruiting enterprise uses a Procurement-based transactional model, and you’ve noticed your candidate flow has been shrinking, and your hire fill cycle times have been on the rise, you’d likely benefit from the addition of Sales-based recruitment methods and techniques to your tool set.
Because these days, when it comes to recruitment, you aren’t the only one making buying decisions.
Hiring manager performance may be the most impactful factor on recruiting success, due to their relationship with candidates, both before and after the hire.
Hiring managers and candidates have the ability to make and solicit commitments from each other, transcending the life of the recruiting process.
As a result, hiring managers are positioned to have the most meaningful conversations with candidates; whether the discussion is focused on the candidate’s qualifications and the requirements of the job, or the terms and conditions of the candidate’s employment after they’ve joined the company.
Unless hiring managers are prepared to create and leverage candidate relationships, even the best HR team may have difficulty helping them to acquire mission-critical talent.
This is especially true when hiring managers are working in the field, or are partnering with remote HR partners.
Recruitment Transaction Training from Greywolf enables hiring managers to perform at a high level in every step of the recruitment process, whether their HR partners are in the office next door, or halfway across the country.
Many HR team members who entered industry after 2001 have never experienced the challenges of acquiring mission critical talent in the most competitive environments imaginable; may have never sought Sales-based methods to improve the performance of their respective enterprises.
Other, more experienced team members, have likely seen and experienced the value Sales-based recruiting solutions deliver to an enterprise’s recruiting results, but may have fallen out of practice in their use.
Either way, we encourage Human Resources professionals, regardless of their experience level, to play an active role in the creation and roll-out of our Recruitment Transaction Training solutions. When Human Resource professionals have the opportunity to both teach and learn, side by side, with their hiring manager partners, all parties become more comfortable and confident in their ability to execute, as a team, against even the most daunting recruiting challenges.
The standard version of Greywolf’s Recruitment Transaction Training course represents the gold standard for recruitment training, delivering exceptional transactional insight and knowledge, as well as execution tools, practices, and techniques you won’t find anywhere else.
Designed for ease of understanding and use, Greywolf’s training content is applicable for Human Resource professionals and their hiring manager partners, regardless of their respective levels of education or experience.
When it comes to Recruitment Transaction Training, one size, one solution, rarely represents the optimal solution for a customer.
In fact, our customers typically have a set of tools and current best practices in play before we engage with them, and usually want to retain some portion of them. Good to Go!
Recruitment Transaction Training is customized for delivery by integrating the desired components of the standard version of the course (which are typically modified to reflect the culture and desires of the customer) to the existing tools and best practices the customer wishes to retain.
Greywolf’s customized course content represents the best of both worlds for our customers; the retention of what they already feel is working, combined with a suite of tools and best practices improving the outcomes of recruiting transactions not currently supported with training.
Once the Greywolf team has validated a training solution for a specific customer, the content can be integrated to the customer’s suite of training tools in one of two ways:
Greywolf can produce a Train the Trainer version of the course, and hand the content over to the customer’s internal Training team
The course content can be translated to an e-Learning format, producing a solution that can be delivered on any networked device.
In all use cases, the Greywolf team works with customers to assure the course content retains its integrity after hand-off.
In fact, for first time customers, we recommend a review of the content following the first 6-12 months of deployment. If we discover an opportunity to improve the course content, or its delivery, we’ll help make those changes, so the solution we deploy best meets customer needs and expectations.